Article I. Name
The name of the organization shall be the Hispanic Association for
Cultural Enrichment at Rice, known hereafter as HACER.
Article II. Purpose
HACER shall serve as the official student association of Hispanic
students. Its purpose will be to provide support and understanding of
Hispanic issues and culture as well as serve as medium of
communication between its members and the larger Rice community.
Article III. Membership
All members of the Rice community are eligible for membership in
HACER. Further restrictions on membership, however, may be imposed by
the Executive Committee including, but not limited to, the imposition
of dues so long as they do not conflict with Constitution and By Laws
of the Rice Student Association.
Article IV. Executive Committee
Section 1 - The Executive Committee shall be charged with
initiating and promulgating the will of its membership as well as
enforcing the provisions set forth by this Constitution and its By
Section 2 - Composition and Duties
(a) The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of
HACER: the President, as chairman; the Internal Vice President, the
External Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Faculty advisors
shall serve as ex-officio members.
(b) The Executive Committee shall meet periodically, as determined
by the President or a majority of the officers, to discuss the
activities or projects of HACER.
(c) No commitments or contracts shall be made on behalf of HACER
without prior approval by the majority of the Executive Committee.
Section 3 - Qualifications of Officers
(a) A student on academic or disciplinary probation is not
permitted to be a candidate for or to hold office as embodied by the
Constitution of the Student Association.
(b) A student must have been enrolled at Rice University and a
member of HACER at least one semester immediately prior to the
election in order to be eligible to run for office. Only a voting
member shall be permitted to run for office.
(c) Each officer shall serve one year unless removed or replaced by
his or her successor.
Section 4 - Duties of Executive Committee Officers
(a) The President of HACER shall preside and prepare the agenda at all
regular and called meetings of HACER, in person or through the Vice
Presidents; be the representative of HACER to the administration and
the Rice community; prepare an annual budget no later than the third
week of the Fall Semester (to be presented to the membership no later
than the sixth week). No action may be taken on behalf of HACER
monetary or otherwise without the prior consent of the President; the
position of the President, however, may be overridden by the majority
vote by the membership or the unanimous decision by the remaining
members of the Executive Committee.
(b) The Internal Vice President shall act as President when the
President is unable to carry out his or her duties; shall be in charge
of organizing all activities that take place on-campus as well as be
responsible for all activities and projects that deal directly with
the membership of HACER. Other responsibilities may include, but
are not limited to, the organizing and promulgation of activities that
meet the social and academic needs of the membership of HACER.
(c) The External Vice President shall be the liaison between HACER and
the larger Hispanic community. Other responsibilities may include,
but are not limited to, making connections with other Hispanic
organizations, keeping up-to-date on events, issues, and projects
concerning Hispanics outside the Rice community, and keeping Hispanic
alumni up-to-date on the issues and activities of importance to HACER.
(d) The Treasurer shall supervise the annual budgeting of funds; be
responsible for the organizing fund-raisers for the benefit of HACER;
be in charge of collecting dues and maintain a list of all paying
members for voting eligibility purposes; keep an accurate account of
all revenues and expenditures, informing periodically the Executive
Committee the financial status of HACER. The Treasurer shall have the
final say on all expenditures and reimbursements made on behalf of
HACER unless overruled by the President and a majority of the
Executive Committee.
(e) The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings called by the
President and the Executive Committee. The minutes will include the
names of all those in attendance as well as issues of importance
discussed or announced. Other responsibilities may include, but are
not limited to, attending to all written correspondence as delegated
by other officers, maintaining a directory of all members, and the
development of flyers and written paraphernalia deemed necessary by
the President. The Secretary shall also maintain an updated record of
all the members and of their voting eligibility status so as to ensure
that only members that have satisfied the voting requirements are
permitted to cast their ballots. The Secretary shall be responsible
for the nullification of all ballots cast by a non-voting member or by
a voting member that has cast more than one vote per office, but only
after having notified the President of such ballots.
(f) Any officer of the Executive Committee may ask volunteers to
perform any club duty not explicitly assigned by the constitution to
any member or officer of HACER.
Section 5 - Resignation, Impeachment, and Replacement of Executive committee Officers
(a) Resignation from office shall be handled in the following manner:
a signed and written statement shall be presented to the highest
remaining officer. It will include the following information: office
held, reason for the resignation, and when the resignation shall go
into effect.
(b) An officer may be removed from his or her office for failure to
perform the duties prescribed by his or her office, for engaging in
conduct unbecoming of an officer, or by breaking the provisions
set-forth by this Constitution. The impeachment of an officer shall
be handled in the following manner: Once the majority of the
Executive Committee has concurred that the officer in question meets
one of provisions for impeachment, impeachment proceeding shall be
held where the officer in question and the Executive Committee shall
present evidence of their position. If a majority of the entire
membership of HACER concurs with the findings of the Executive
Committee, the officer shall hereby be terminated.
(c) In the event of the resignation or impeachment of an Executive
Committee Officer, he or she will be replaced in the following manner:
if the officer to be replaced is not the President, the President
will nominate a replacement which must be confirmed by the majority of
remaining Executive Committee. In the event the President resigns or
is impeached, the highest remaining officer under his or her volition
will assume the Presidency or call for elections. An officer may not
fill a vacant office until they have resigned their former office.
All vacant offices must be filled within three weeks from the date of
resignation or impeachment.
Section 6 - Faculty Sponsors
Faculty sponsors shall be approved every year by a simple-majority of
the Executive Committee. All sponsors are required to make an annual
address to the entire membership at least one meeting per year.
Article V. Elections
Section 1 - Time and Duration of Elections
(a) The election of officers shall be held in the Spring Semester of
each year to be held no later than third week of March and no earlier
than the first week of March.
(b) All new officers-elect will be required to attend one Executive
Committee meeting with outgoing officer prior to turn-over. All
officers elect shall begin their term no later than the first week of
Section 2 - Method of Election
(a) The President shall announce elections at least two full weeks
before they are to commence.
(b) Those running for office must submit a statement to the President
at least three days before the election of their intent to run for
office. The statement shall include the office the candidate would
like to run for and an affirmation that the candidate has read the
constitution, meets its provisions, and agrees to abide by its laws.
The statement must be signed by the candidate.
(c) Candidates shall attend a meeting to be set aside for presentation
of each candidate's platform, which shall be held at least one week
before elections. No proxies shall be permitted to speak on behalf of
the candidate and no candidate will be allowed to engage in defaming
(d) All officer elections shall be conducted by secret ballot.
(e) All votes shall be cast with each voting member casting only one
vote per office. If a voting member casts more than one vote per
office, his or her votes shall be nullified. In the event that a
voting member chooses to vote absentee, he or she should send their
ballot in a sealed envelope, with their name signed on the outside of
the envelope, to the highest officer not running as candidate in the
election at least one day before the election. In the event that all
current officers are running as candidates, absentee ballots shall be
submitted to the faculty advisor. No e-mail ballots shall be
accepted. Absentee ballots shall remain sealed until all ballots are
counted at the meeting set aside for elections.
(f) A candidate for office must secure at least 50% +2 of all the
votes cast in order to win the office in question during the first
round of elections. In the event that no candidate for office meets
the 50% +2 requirement, another round of elections for the office will
be held with the candidates receiving the two highest number of votes
competing in a run-off. In a run-off, only a simple majority will be
required to win. In the event of a tie for an office with only two
candidates, a simple-majority vote by the Executive committee shall
decide the winner of office in question.
(g) During a meeting set aside for the elections, ballots will be
counted by at least two officers in private after the Secretary has
confirmed the eligibility of all the ballots. No candidate for office
will be allowed to count ballots. All candidates will be provided
information regarding the number of votes cast and received for his or
her office. Members may petition the Executive committee for release
of the total number of votes cast and received for each candidate upon
approval by the candidates running for that office. In the event that
all current officers are running as candidates, two voting members
shall be chosen by the faculty advisor to count the ballots.
(h) The right to vote shall be extended to members of HACER who meet
the following requirements:
(i) Paid their dues.
(ii) Attended four or more HACER functions, such as regular
meetings, volunteering services, social outings, or any other
functions that the Executive Committee deems necessary.
Article VI. Meetings
Regular meetings of HACER shall be held at least once a month during
the academic year. An official meeting can only be conducted under
the supervision of the President or a Vice President and one other
Article VII. Committees
Section 1 - Standing Committees
(a) A Standing Committee may only be formed with majority approval of
the Executive Committee.
(b) All standing committees must meet the following criteria:
statement of purpose and mission must written and publicly stated at
an official meeting of HACER and someone must agree prior to its
promulgation to chair the committee.
Section 2 - Ad Hoc Committee
Ad Hoc Committees will be formed at the discretion of the President or
at the request of ten percent of all members and will be dissolved
once their function has been completed.
Section 3 - Progress
All standing committees shall give a progress report at least once a
month or at the request of the Executive Committee.
Article VIII. Constitution
Section 1 - The constitution shall be provided to each member of the
HACER no later than first month of the Fall Semester.
Section 2 - All members reserve the right of proposing amendments to
the constitution by sending their proposals to the Executive
committee. The amendment must be voted on by the full membership
within at least one month of the proposal receipt by the Executive
Section 3 - All amendments to the HACER Constitution require the
approval at least two-thirds of all full members.
last updated: July 16, 2001